Origin of Arrayah Centre

In 2012, Hanlie's son was diagnosed with classic autism at the age of 3. However they already new at the age of 2, that something is off with his development. The first and most opvious sign was the language development. However some doctors disagreed and was adiment that boys are slower than girls and that they must just wait.
They followed their gut instinct and finally got the answer at a pediatric neurologist that made the diagnoses. Their baby daughter was only two month's old at the time. The trips to the city became frequent as no specialists or people specialising in autism were available in their home town.
At the age of 4, he was still non-verbal, frequent meltdowns, everything was a struggle. He would go into flight mode in new places, and would just run. You would pray that he would stop and that you are fast enough to catch him. Definitely a roller coaster ride! There was light in the tunnel, when we decided to switch to English, he started to progress with a lot of one on one attention, therapies and activities. At the age of 7, he went to a small school with grade R.
He continued in the school were he got twice the best student award in the lower grades (still continuing therapy and activities). In grade 3 they realised the curriculum he was doing is too content heavy and not really suited for a child with special needs. To 2019 where Arrayah Centre was officialy started with only her son. Providing a curriculum suited to their needs, no exams. Working on the child's pace but also providing therapy that is needed to help them to be the best they can be. Today he is 12, doing grade 6, no meltdowns, talking non-stop and he is a super loving person.
Arrayah Centre was born out the need of providing her son a place where he can be himself, be happy and excel.
Arrayah means " Ray of Hope". Bringing hope to children with special needs, their families and the community. Anything is possible!

Skills in special needs children needs to be practised every day, since development doesn't happen automatically.
The skills that is consired typical for a neurotypical child, doesn't happen automatically with a child with special needs. These skills need to be practised so much more and they need to put in so much effort to get where they needed to be, but they can get there with time and patience and lots of love.

The journey

Like art, when creating a masterpiece, it is a journey. Sometimes a difficult one, but in the end, the result is so worth it! Kiddies with special needs has so much potential it is just a matter of using the correct techniques , therapy and learning methods, so they can be the best versions of themselves.