What is ADHD and ADD?

What is ADHD and ADD?

ADHD = Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

ADD = Attention Deficit Disorder is ADHD without the hyperactivity part, but can also be reffered to as inattentive ADHD.


ADHD has three forms.  

1] Inattentive ADHD  or ADD

  •  Easily distracted
  •  Forgetful
  •  Unable to pay attention to detail
  •  Doesn't follow instructions
  •  Fails to finish schoolwork or tasks
  •  Loses focus, easily side-tracked

2] Hyperactive/impulisive

  • Always appear on the go
  • Talks excessively
  • Squirms in their seat, tap their hands or feat or fidget
  • Intrudes on and interrupts other constantly
  • Difficulty in waiting for their turn

3] Combined

  • Person have symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity

For a child/adult  to be diagnosed with ADHD:

  • Show several symptoms before age 12
  • Has symptoms more than one setting, like school and at home
  • Has symptoms not explaied by another disorder